We often see that employees do not want or dare to use an employment lawyer out of fear when they have a settlement agreement being offered by employer. Fear of employer's reaction and/or fear that it will be a very long legal process.

After all, an employee, when faced with a dismissal situation, is in unfamiliar territory. So the fears an employee has are also perfectly normal, it is just important not to let these fears influence your choices.

Fear of employer reaction, we often hear this reason. The employee is keen for "the relationship" with employer to remain good while the same employer is eager to fire you. Besides, how good is "the relationship" with your (former) employer if you are fearful of her/his reaction.

Fear of a long legal battle, this is another reason why employees often do not even bother to approach a lawyer and ask for advice. But by engaging a lawyer, on the contrary, you often shorten the procedure in terms of the path of a settlement agreement. After all, the lawyer knows things much better legally and can often get a good proposal on the table within 1 or 2 weeks.

Anything unfamiliar brings fears, but in hindsight these fears often turn out to be unjustified.

To quote a Flemish poet (Georges van Acker): "Those who fear the future have already half-frozen that future"

So arrange a dismissal properly and leave the future open for a good settlement. Don't be afraid to engage an employment lawyer. You can send us your question and/or document for an initial review and/or advice free of charge.