Everyone is suddenly an employment lawyer

As soon as the Dutch national team plays, there are 18 million national coaches who know it all better than the appointed national coach. It is the same way when someone has questions about employment law. As soon as someone is fired, everyone is suddenly an employment lawyer. This "employment lawyer" can give solicited, but even more often unsolicited, advice on how someone should act in the event of a dismissal. The following cries are then often shouted:

- You should not sign for redundancy because then you will not be entitled to WW!
- You should demand 1 gross monthly salary per year worked (these are often the "veterans")
- You have to call in sick because then they cannot fire you.
- You need to hire an employment lawyer!
I have to admit that the last "cry" in the list is good advice though. But the other "advice" will only lead to misunderstanding on the part of the other party and, as a result, a (worse) conflict may arise unnecessarily. A dismissal need not always be accompanied by a conflict and the last "cry" will save a conflict 99% of the time. Therefore, let your VSO check by Legalworx
"Well-intentioned advice is not the same as good advice!"
If you receive a settlement agreement or have questions about a (future) dismissal, it is wise to engage an employment lawyer. More information on dismissal can be found at www.transitievergoedingberekenen.nl/ontslag.

For questions, you can always contact us at WhatsApp, call +(31) 085-08 054 82, send a email or set here your question; our employment lawyer will be happy to talk to you and provide the answers to your questions. Have your VSO check For 100% assurance.