Instant dismissal

A summary dismissal is one of the most drastic measures an employer can take. This type of dismissal means that the employee immediately loses income and is not entitled to unemployment benefits. This is why there are strict rules attached to summary dismissal. This story illustrates the consequences of such a dismissal and the legal options available to the employee.

The situation

After 19 years of loyal service, an employee was summarily dismissed for accidentally misdeclaring hours. The employer discovered this and decided to dismiss immediately, without conducting a thorough investigation or hearing both sides of the argument.

Strict rules for summary dismissal

A summary dismissal should not be given lightly. There are strict rules that the employer must follow:

  1. Urgent Reason: There must be an urgent reason, such as theft, fraud, or serious dereliction of duty.
  2. Immediate Communication: The dismissal must be communicated without delay, meaning the employer must act immediately after discovering the offence.
  3. Specifying the reason: The reason for dismissal must be clearly and specifically communicated to the employee.
  4. Hearing and Responding: The employee should be given the opportunity to tell his or her side of the story before the dismissal is given.

Legal steps

In a panic, the employee contacted LegalWorx. After a comprehensive free intake, our experienced lawyer knew immediately that the dismissal would not stand up in the district court. The "rules of the game" governing summary dismissal had not been followed. The employer had failed to conduct a thorough investigation and to hear both sides of the argument, which are essential steps when issuing a summary dismissal. Had the employer applied the adversarial process, it would have become clear that the misdeclaration was accidental due to the fact that the employer had introduced a new system

The negotiation and outcome

Given the disrupted employment relationship, it was decided to issue a settlement agreement draw up. Through the negotiations the employee eventually received compensation of 2.5 times the statutory transitional compensation. In addition, the employee remained employed for another four months, during which he was released from work with pay. The employer also agreed to reimburse almost all legal costs, leaving the employee to pay only a small amount himself.


This case highlights the importance of legal representation in an instant dismissal. Strict rules and procedures allow an employee to protect his or her rights and find a just solution. For anyone in a similar situation, it is essential to seek legal advice and consider all possible outcomes. Tenacity and expert advice can make the difference between a mediocre settlement and an excellent one.

Have you been summarily dismissed? Contact us via WhatsApp, call 085 080 5482 or send a email; our employment lawyer will be happy to talk to you and provide the answers to all your questions.